当前位置:首页 > 产品展示 > WRY联轴高温导热油泵 > 油加热器专用泵 > 联轴式系列油加热器泵
These products are suitable for feeding high temperature weak
corrosive fluid without solid particles; To choose other kinds of materials to enable the pump
to feed corrosive and other liquid with special characteristic to meet customer’s requirements;
2.使用条件/Conditions of use
·一般液体:-5℃~180℃ ·General liquid:-5℃~+180℃
·高温熟导油:+50℃~+350℃ ·Thermal conductivity oil:+50℃~+350℃
·zui大工作环境温度:+40℃ ·The maximum working temperature:+40℃
3.产品实图/Product Figure
4.奥兰克联轴式高温热油泵泵浦性能参数/Pump Characteristic
5.高温热油泵安装尺寸图/Installation Sketch
6.奥兰克联轴式高温热油泵型号注释/Model Explanation
7.特性曲线图/Characteristic Graph